The New Blogger - Just a few quick notes and thoughts

I know I'm old and in the way and totally out of the loop when it comes to dealing with computer problems. I like to think my lack of formal education or training sometimes helps more than it hinders as I'm often able to figure out a work-around for most tech issues I run into. It's not always the same method or approach the IT guys use but I get the same end result. (I ran into the same issue with the "New Math" - I could arrive at the correct answer but was never able to prove my work, sometimes even I wasn't sure how I got the answer, lucky guesses, I guess.) Anyway, I've been using the guess method on New Blogger. I get that it's supposed to be a more 'mobile' friendly format (just a guess) but I'm a desktop guy, so mobile friendly doesn't mean that much to me. I have a smartphone and a laptop and a tablet, but nothing works like a desktop for me. It is so much easier - I get to see the big picture and switching tabs is a piece of cake - I usually work with at least five tabs open at all times. And, a phone call or text doesn't interrupt my work.

Anyway, here is a small list of notes I've made since Google, or whoever they are now, has changed the way blogger operates. 

Title of blog does not appear on the draft page 

The time of the next day's scheduled post does not appear on the posts page - I'm pretty sure it used to

Even after clicking 'publish' the post will still show in 'draft' mode even though it is live on the blog, you have to click publish again to get it to to switch to 'published'.

The video or video title does not appear in draft mode, it is blocked in place, but shows up as a gray screen. You can't see what it is while editing. The cover frame photo like the old format would work.

Using labeling to search posts does not work like it used to. And, actually, the labeling process was more predictive and more user friendly before the change. 

And, it would really be nice to have a different colored font on 'Scheduled" and "Published" to quickly distinguish which is which. 

So...nothing major, but it's the little things that make the change hard to swallow.

Just gulp and move on...I guess.

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